Alera is a young girl who lives in a world known as Lako...or is it? Legend has it that the world itself isn't fully formed yet and the world she lives in may just be a different...version of it. But this is only a piece of a Legend after all, one that she doesn't pry herself on in believing. Life is ordinary to an extent for Alera as she lives with her younger brother Saro and her father who is never home or cares for them. As Alera and Saro go about their lives taking care of each other, Saro's birthday is coming up and he is turning sixteen. And suddenly, unexpected and harsh situations overturn their lives around, which results in so much that is lost. Alera even loses the most precious thing to her and her whole life is then turned upside ways she never expected. During this time she unexpectedly encounters a young boy who witnesses her in her worst time of need. But will he just be the one thing that pulls her out of this void of darkness she was forced into? -Fantasy/Romance/School Life/ Slice of Life