Manth is one of two Saiyans raised on Earth. After being sent to random coordinates sustaining life from a Saiyan refugee planet, Manth and Celeria both landed on the planet Earth as infants. However, they had no recognition of their Saiyan heritage, due to a ship explosion on impact with Earth's surface. They were both sent off to different parts of the planet by the Guardian of Earth. They were both raised by opposing martial artists and were given the names Damien and Krystalia. They eventually met each other through their adventures at the World's Martial Arts Tournament. Afterwards, they went on many adventures together and with many friends, eventually saving Earth multiple times from powerful enemies. They soon got married and had children and swore to protect the Earth the best they knew how. Eventually, they met the Guardian of Earth and had their minds unlocked, understanding their Saiyan heritage and what made them special. Their vow remained the same, regardless of what they are. But now, that vow is going to be put to the test... This story is a twist on the original Dragon Ball universe and will have some similar and unfamiliar events taking place. This site is where you can find images of each character and maybe even spoilers in the story as the story progresses. ( Rights Reserved