(( House of Night Human AU where vampyres do not exist, but the HoN is still a thing I guess? ))
" I've never been to a Boarding School. " Damien said to himself, clutching his schedule paper tightly to his chest. It was a Saturday, so nobody was roaming the halls. He looked back down at the paper, furrowing his brow in frustration, " It's like I keep going in circles... " he huffed.
" Need some help? " Damien squealed as a girl's voice sounded behind him, breaking through the silence.
" Sorry! Didn't mean to spook ya! " He turned around to see who it was, she was a short and somewhat stocky, but had a little bit of muscle. Her hair was blonde and curly, it was cut just above her shoulders. Her eyes were a sparkly blue, matching her blue flannel shirt and bluejeans. She stuck her hand out for a handshake.
" Names' Stevie Rae! " Damien shook her hand in response, cringing at the tough grip.
" You're the new fella' aint ya! What's your name? " She twanged. ' Must be from the country ' Damien thought.
" I-I'm Damien " he said, rubbing his hand. Stevie Rae's eyes lit up,
" Maslin? " she asked.
" Yes, how did you- "
" I'm friends with your roommate! Come with me, I know you're lost! " Without even a single word of protest, Stevie Rae grabbed Damien's forearm and dragged him through the halls to a room, littered with chairs and TVs. Nobody seemed to be there besides a group of teens, mostly girls.
" Guys, I got em! " Stevie Rae hollered as she continued to drag Damien through the room. The closer he got, the more he could see what they looked like.
A girl with light brown skin and thick black hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. Two blond girls, one with wavy long hair and one green eye, one blue eye, and one with straight, powder blond hair and cold ice blue eyes. The one with wavy hair was sitting next to a black girl with sharp brown eyes and curly black hair. And finally, a boy, he had wavy sandy blond hair and beautiful aquamarine eyes.