A young woman stands on a hillside the blustering wind whips around her frail body.Her glassy blue eyes take in the colors of the setting sun the pinks,reds and oranges.Her long brown hair thrashes viciously behind her.The blustering wind causes the leaves to fall from the tall spruce trees around her.The temperature is cool on this late winter night.Slowly nighttime begins to fall on the woman and the first stars appear in the sky.They are barely visible without their magnificent shine.The brisk wind sends a shiver up her spine and she realizes that she cannot avoid the reason she is here for any longer .She bends down and picks up a bouquet of flowers that lay beside her feet.Inside the white packing there is yellow flowers.They are such a vibrant color her eyes light up momentarily upon seeing them.Turning on her heel her navy runners leave a imprint on the muddy ground.With each step she takes her shoes squelch against the ground.Reaching a stony pathway the woman takes in a sharp breath scared of what lies ahead.After walking down the path for a while the woman stops abruptly.The bouquet slips from her pale slim fingers.The flowers land softly on the freshly covered up grave.She slowly walks towards the black marble headstone.She grazes her pale fingers along the name engraved in gold onto the headstone.She lets out a breath that she doesn't realize she has been holding in.She speaks her voice quiet in comparison to the howling wind "Eli..."She drops to her knees not caring at all that her legs are now covered in muck.The memory of the horrific day she spend her comes flooding back to her as she wraps her arms around the cold black marble headstone.Slowly tears being to slip from her glassy blue eyes as she speaks again "What am I doing here ? she questions."What did I keep chasing love ? Why did we both keep chasing something we could never have ? I'm sorry." She is sobbing now her chest shakes painfully.She screams in agony only to be heard by no-one.All Rights Reserved