In the known universe, there are many different realms, each which house unique worlds that are unlike any other. Among these lies the Mystic Realm, an entire world full of people who possess magical abilities, better known as Casters. These Casters live in a functional society that is always developing new things like television, radio, and much more. The Realm is overseen by a somewhat mysterious group known as the Origins; their primary duty is to maintain the realm's being, but have also pioneered in researching and discovering new realms. They have also carried on the tradition of hosting the Trials of Old, a time-honored event that challenges Casters, young and old, to a set of dangerous tasks.
Ahkari is an uprising Caster who is both adventurous, outgoing, and loves his friends and family. He's lived in a relatively small town named Animas all his life but is ready for a change of scenery when his high school graduation approaches. But, when Ahkari learns of the legendary event happening this year, he makes it his main goal to participate in the Trials, and hopefully claim victory. However, what he doesn't realize is how serious these challenges really are.
He must fight to survive among other Casters from all around the world as they trek through harsh environments that test them physically, mentally, and mystically. The champion is rewarded with a title in the Hall of Mystics, meant to honor the Caster for years to come. But as Ahkari advances through, he discovers a sinister truth behind the Trials and must decide whether he will chase the fame, or take it upon himself to end the cycle once and for all.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.