**WARNING POSSIBLY TRIGGERING** Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. My heart was racing, I was running through the darkness, yet the darkness wasn't just that. This dark void was too heavy to be just that. The air felt sticky and I was breathing rapidly. I stopped as I felt as no danger was near. All the sudden the darkness disappears and was replaced with light, and a beautiful field with flowers aspew. Also in this new scene of beauty was a young man just as beautiful as the scene surrounding him. However, some thing was off about him, and the whole scene. I started thinking, trying to remember why this felt all too familiar.... Wynter is a beautiful 20 year old girl with a terrible past.... what will happen when her past comes back to haunt her? Could it be possible she is in love with her best friend? Find out in My new book "Run".All Rights Reserved