7 parts Ongoing Before I could second-guess myself, I stood up and kissed him. His face immediately lit up and he lifted me up and spun around with me in his arms, like his little princess. I couldn't help but laugh at that little stunt.
"So what now?" He asked. "Well, you have been blessed to call me yours," I replied, smiling sheepishly, finally admitting to my feelings.
"And you get to call me yours," he continued. "Yeah and that too," I said jokingly.
"Come here," I pulled him in for a kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. My fingers went wild, caressing his hair as we took each other's breath. His grip tightened around my waist, not wanting to let go. I then gently bit his lower lip, signalling enjoyment. His lips kept up pace; who knew an angel's kiss could be this fiery?
A raging fire is building more inside, creating a flame that might introduce an angel to sin. How can something that is created by the heart feel this good-a feeling that I thought was just a hoax-turn real and control me in such a manner? How can a kiss created from something I thought was foul taste this good? My hand was moving all over his head, exploring freely. It was like all the books and knowledge in the library faded away and it was just the two of us, lost in each other's embrace. In that moment, we discovered a world of emotions, a universe of unspoken promises. The kiss was a sign of a new adventure.
When we finally pulled away, we were both breathless and grinning like fools. "Wow," he said, still clinging to me, "that was amazing."
"I agree," I replied, kissing the top of his forehead. "I could stay here with you forever," he confessed, looking deeply into my eyes.