With her powers awakened Cassidy Raynolds embarks on a new mission to free a camp of Ayakashi enslaved by the Nagavashi. Through this journey she must begin to master her new powers. She is guided by Haru, Kitsune Shogun, Lyal, Okami Shogun, Masato, Oni Shogun, Sora, Tangu Shogun, Shen, Yukibato Shogun, and Aiden, Ryu shogun in training. They are joined by Katsumi, "Kat", who is an animated Obi that can take any shape of equal volume to itself, except for people. Can she free the camp or will the Nagavashi thwart her plans? For easiest understanding please read the first story, Tails of the Yokai: Tail 1. This is marked mature for some violence and adult content. You will be warned beforehand.