This collection of timeless quotes and Bible verses have been gathered with you in mind. You will have access to the writings of great Christians of early days and also great Christians of our times, right at your fingertips. It is my hope that your walk with God will be influenced in a very deep way as you go through those pages.
Get this jam-packed treasure chest for less than the price of a cup of coffee, It is filled with a wide range of Bible verses listed by subjects. You will also get a section with Bible study helps along with a vast array of Christian quotes on various subjects such as: Blessings, character, children, marriage, contentment, faith, encouragement, friendship, life, love, God, the Church, Christ, salvation, The Holy Spirit, the soul, sin, virtues, God's Will, the spiritual life, spiritual walk, eternity, heaven, unbelief, spiritual gifts, leadership, eternal life, surrender, obedience ,loving God, marriage, prayer, relationship, and much more. Here is a list of names of puritans, classics and great theologians that you will find within the pages of this book:
Brother Lawrence, C. S. Lewis, R. C. Sproul, Charles Colson, Charles Spurgeon, Dallas Willard, D. L Moody, D. Martyn LLoyd-Jones, DeWitt Talmage, Dietrick Bonhoeffer, E. M. Bounds, Henry Blackaby, John calvin, Ebenezer Erskine, F. B. Myer, F W Krummacher Francis Chan, G K Chesterton, J. C. Ryle, J. R. Miller, James Hudson Taylor, J. I. Packer, James Smith, Jerry bridges, John Piper, John Wesley, Johnathan Edwards, Leonard Ravenhill, Martin Luther, Mathew Henry, Paul Washer, John F MacArthur John Newton, Oswald Chambers, and much more
My story is about Krishna and his first and favourable wife shree rukmini.
She is heart of Krishna and Krishna love him most.
So in this story you read about rukmini and Krishna's prem...π₯°π₯°π₯°π₯°
I hope you like my first story