13 parts Complete JEFF. So we'd have cactus zombies chasing us?!?!?!
JAMES. What in the FUCK is a cactus zombie?
JEFF. A zombie... with freaking cacti stuck in it!
BECCA. Best. Hug. Ever.
JEFF. Oh goodness, could you imagine... two cacti zombies having a baby?
JAMES. Yeah, I don't think zombies work like that...
WARNINGS: The only warning there is really is that there is some mature language but nothing above PG-13 movie ratings. Although there is a chance of permanent cringe face from some of the scenes that you will read, so b e w a r e
This script is about a group of teenagers who are thrown into a zombie apocalypse and are struggling to make it out alive. It is meant to be a comedy and a lot of things don't really make sense but bear with me, we will make it out alive. Well, maybe not all of us, but we don't talk about that-
This is a script that I wrote in literally 3 days about a year ago. I have written more scripts recently that are more improved than this one, but I think this script is super funny and needs to be shared with the world.
Rules for Surviving:
1) Food cause nom noms me hongry
2) Buddy system, because if I've learned anything from 80s horror movies it's don't go off alone because there is an 87% chance you will not make it back (statistics researched and studied by yours truly)
3) Stan Jeff, I don't think there's more to say
4) Stay away from the cactus zombies, especially the super horny ones
5) I don't mean to be t h a t person but please, please, please don't copy my work. If you want to use it for something you can reach out to me and I will discuss it with you but please don't plagiarize it, thank you.