So today is my first day of high school and my angziaty is really high today because I don't know what's gunna happen but luckily I have my Bestfriend with me jc caylen. I've Ben in love with jc for over 6 years now and to only be friends with him kills me and he's the only person I can really talk to because my mum dies when I was 11 and my dad is and alcoholic so I live with my aunt gabbie who I love to bits but my cousins are the most anoying people in my life but I love them millions. Oh and did I forget to mention my name is jordan. JC PROV So today is my first day of high school but I'm gunna be with my best friend who I've loved since I was like 12 but she'll never like me back she's to good for me she's been in a relationship before with someone who hurt her a lot witch hurt me to see her in pain but she's okay now just suffers with extreme angziaty which is probably really high today. I got to Jordans house and she was waiting our side the we walked to school .