Warning terrible spelling an grammer if u give me shit about it i stop the story love u Kattie colen has a terrible child hood her parents died when she was 7 they were murderd in front of her because they dident pay back their dealers on time shes abused by her adopted mom an dad an street fights on the side she smokes drinks does drugs partys an dosent give a shit about what prople have to say well at least when shes otta school when shes in school shes a push over with fake glasses a pig tailed wig an puts on a mask that has pimples an is an easy target for bullys she get beat up an picked on at school oh an she has a fake retainer Zack parker he has the golden life hes a bad boy as he thinks but he no where as bad as kattie he ur typical bad boy who drinks partys an smokes has rich parents who let him do what ever he wants hell they even bought him his own house/palace an he loves his life hes got the look that makes girls drop their panties with one look he look like a god hes a player an when he see nightmare/kattie fight he wants to no who she is so he goes to her after the mach oh an btw he bullies he an beats the shit outta her in school an when she sees him lets jus say his ego jus shrunk to the size of a tikAll Rights Reserved