After a series of airport mobbings in the year 2015, and a recent one at an airport in Colombia, Lauren had enough. She always thought she wasn't for the limelight, sometimes wishing she wasn't in the industry. But she loves performing, and making a difference to the youth. She wanted to make a change that would benefit the good of the planet, and the society. She wants to break the barriers on the standards on women, and how they are perceived. She just wants to make a difference in a world full of hatred and judgements. She had the chance to escape. She found a place to get away, start fresh, and just be the person she wanted to be. Away from the limelight, away from the stress of the industry, away from everyone that hurt her. It's exactly 3 years after Lauren left. She came back, with reasons and problems that only her family could help her with. But what if her family can't help her? Which of her so called friends would she go to first? Will they help her after everything that happened between them? Will they forgive, but most importantly, would she forgive herself? -- Cover art by awesomest person @thatonerosewood. ;)