He seemed to almost glow just as a sinister grin appeared on his face. Nervous, I took a small step back, nearly tripping over my chains. "American woman." His accent was strong. "You speak English. Where am I? Why am I here?" I nearly leaped at him. A waiting man had to cease me. "You will go for such a pretty penny." "A pretty penny?" My heart dropped to the pit of stomach. Air seemed to disappear from the air, leaving me gasping for much needed oxygen. I felt lightheaded, faint, and down right sick. His next words were like a punch to the face. No, correction, it was like a sledge hammer to the torso. Repeatedly. This is unreal. This was just a nightmare and I was bound to wake from soon. In denial, I could not believe any of this was real. "You are here to be sold."Tous Droits Réservés
1 chapitre