An ancient Chinese proverb goes on to say that without friction, a gem cannot be polished, nor can a man be perfected without trials. The dawn of 2014 was the beginning of a series of tribulations for Subrata Roy Sahara and since then, he has acquired a fresher perspective towards life. Life Mantras is a collaboration of the governing laws and ideas that keeps one motivated, be he at the almshouse or at a luxury laden palace.
Life Mantras is a gem that was born by the frictions of Subrata's hard times. The book establishes the principles of truth that are inherent in each one of us but more often than not, layered by the multiple folds of everyday living.
Subrata explains the realities of life that he discovered during his period of trials. The book unravels the discharge of a potent energy which will drive the reader to self-motivation. Subrata believes that life is truly blissful. A healthy self-assurance stimulates you even during the thins of your life. He establishes the motive of this life to be an enlightening realization of the self. It is you who has the remote control of your life. Everything is in your hands.
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