Cassandra McCarthy is a very interesting person. She was born half traditional vampire and half human but when she turned fourteen she was changed into a Cold One as her mother called it. Little did she know she is actually one-third traditional vampire, one-third Cold One and, one-third werewolf (shape shifter). Her creator is James and he has a dark secret that has kept him on the run for forty years. Will she turn him in to the Volturi or help hide him?
Shadows: Ancient Beings made of pure Magick, that exist from the Beginning of Time.
Cassandra Wesley is a young woman that runs her own company and makes her own music. She is famous and powerful but she is haunted by her past. She saw her parents die when she was five years old and she grew up in a Asylum. Six years after she escapted from the Asylum, she will meet two figures that claim to be her parents. So, Cassandra will go for a trip, that will change her life forever. Vamps, Magick and Were-wolves will be her new reallity.
P.S English is not my native language, so if you notice any error let me know