Set in a post apocalyptic world, where there are no moral rules to adhere to and no laws to abide by, young Audrey frees herself from captivity. Brutalized and traumatized, Audrey goes back to the only home she's ever known in this cruel new world, solely seeking to reunite and retrieve her one and only love, Billy. When she discovers he's not there and that he might even be dead, she is driven over the edge of her own sanity.
Anthony, Audrey's past partner and leader of the group she returns to, takes her in, in spite of her clearly unstable mentality. Angry and confused about it all, Anthony hunts for answers and finds them in the one place he knew he would: Billy's room.
{Author's note: I'm going to be totally honest. I've written and rewritten this story over the years too many times to count. Now, will I ever get it right? I don't know. This is just me trying to bring it all together so I can make sense of my ideas for this story, instead of wasting time just talking about it. I'm tired of wasting time. By the way, I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm kind of writing this backwards so of course it only makes sense to me right now. Please forgive me. Also, this is not the final draft.}