Hawk, a sixteen year old girl, is a instructor of ancient lore, a dancer, a pipe musician, and protects the Northern children from their ruthless world. However well she can fight and defend, she is no Huntress.
Northerners have had a long, harsh winter, and are a starving, strong people. Pride is honor, and Honesty is a virtue.
Southerners are a rude, arrogant, greedy people. They consistently demand trains of supplies of the Northern people, and they disregard and suffering, loss, or discomfort of any not of them.
Inquisitors (Roses, as Hawk deems them) are beautiful creatures. Ruthlessly cunning, deceptively kind, and unsuspectedly harmful. They were developed as a society of peacekeepers, but tend to achieve only their own ends.
The Northern people are dying out. Hunters are imprisoned nightly on false charges brought against them by Inquisitors. Food has been taken or has left. Fire is rare. Life is at risk.
Hawk may be the only hope of the North.