"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.
"Because your're stunningly beautiful." Colten whispered.
"Really?" my voice shaking this time.
"Nope." he deadpanned laughing at his own crude humor. "I'm staring because you have food on your face like an idiot." He scoffed, walking away and leaving me outside alone.
"Jerk." I mumbled to no one in particular.
* * * *
Laney Watts is a fiery, stubborn, California girl. Everything seems to going her way with a perfect boyfriend, endless cash, and undeniable school popularity. However, things change when her mother, a famous fashion designer, gets a job in Europe, forcing Laney to live with her dad in Florida. Right as Laney starts to warm up to her new town, she meets Colten Waters, an egotistical, cocky, star-athlete that just might make fitting in harder than she ever imagined.
Will Laney be able to break Colten's walls down and befriend him or will his arrogance keep her away?