*This story has the Pokémon Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde all as teenagers at a high school.
I got this idea drawing Xerneas
Whoops :)*
The typical, quiet nerd: Xerneas. She dresses in a summery blue dress, a grey cardigan and grey tights. Her shoes - the same grey with a yellow lining. Her quiet, deep blue eyes hold much mystery. Then her hair, the queerest of her etiquette. Tied back in eight, even plaits. It is mostly sandy blonde, but there are streaks of rainbow hidden in the curls. Every plait holds three similar colours.
Yveltal: A Class bad boy and hot as hell. Short, messy black hair. He sports black leather gloves, a black hoodie with a red zip, a midnight and blood coloured t shirt and more black on his jeans. Oh, and of course, a devil smirk.
The strange thing - his eyes are the exact same shade of blue as Xerneas.
Then there is Zygarde. Bright green eyes, long pastel green hair. Very serious face, strong jawline.
He wears robes of grey and green. He secludes himself and speaks to no one.
Except, of course, Xerneas and Yveltal.
The three share a burning hatred for eachother but somehow always end up walking back together.
They are known as X, Y and Z to the rest of the students.
They hold a secret, which is nowhere near coming to be released.
That is until the new girl arrives
Her name is Diana. Or just D