storm, noun /stôrm/
1. a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
2. a tumultuous reaction; an uproar or controversy.
dictionaries are easy. with tiny, black, printed words and definitions that are set in stone.
there's no such thing as a people dictionary. you can't look up your own name and see your future- thin lines crisscrossing the page, fate splayed out before you.
but that's because the future isn't set in stone. every decision you make, no matter how tiny, affects you and the people around you.
but cassidy wasn't aware of that when she opened the door at 2 o'clock in the morning and let a dripping wet finn harries into her foyer.
cassidy, noun /kah-si-dee/
1. clever, curly-haired
2. reckless. silly. fragile. soon to be not-so-platonical best friend of finn harries.
storm warning.
"we were so, so blind, baby." ☆
Hannah Hall isn't much like other 20 year olds. She's adopted, a radio personality and lives with her brother in London. She want's to settle down but hasn't met the right guy yet.
Finn Harries is the guy that every girl wants to date but he wants commitment not just another one-night stand.
What happens when they meet?
A/N - Hey guys, I do like Jacksgap and I don't really write much fanfiction. I apologise if it comes out really bad but thankyou for taking the time to read it if you do ~ Hannah xx