As Bob Marley once said, "Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean." Everyone makes assumptions everyday. It's because we're humans, and although we are not perfect, and we know that it's impossible for anyone to be perfect, we all expect perfection from those around us. We also assume the worst in people, because truthfully, humans are very contractile creatures. We only see what's on the surface. We believe what we see and we don't think that maybe, there's more to the story. If you're ready to see the ugly truth of humans and you're ready to dig a little deeper, then I invite you to join me along with a few of my friends as we learn some lessons the hard way. Come find out the truth about Amanda's boyfriend, and Ace's family, and Ryan's addiction and Miranda's past. I promise you, when you're done with this story you will won't be so quick to jump to conclusions ever again.