The chemical formula is simple: Nerdy, shy, introverted good girl who has her quirks and her secrets and her embarrassing flaws and the reckless, bad attitude, non-commital bad boy... (But you've totally rooted out his soft spot: It's kittens).
It's science: All is meant to go as planned. Hypothesis? They fall in deep, unbreakable love.
Equipment? One boy, one girl, one insane family and one dark past.
Safety precautions? *Skips past*
Results? Ah...Crap. Well, something clearly went wrong here, 'cause the answers are completely out of whack.
When Charlie Lest gets herself into what seems like a harmless but is actually a rather sticky situation, she can't get herself out of it on her own. Her own stubborn nature and determination to stay independent runs her into Hayden Que: He too is stubborn, but shows his frustrations outwardly. It lands him in daily trouble.
Turns out, he's in a sticky situation of his own. Charlie had one choice to make: To be honest, or to try and hope things don't crumble just to save her pride.
"I could tutor you, but I don't think you'd be able to concentrate."
• • •
When Cassandra Berry gets offered a shitload of money and a place at any college of her choice, just to con a man and getting pregnant with a said man, the answer seems pretty straight forward; Yes.
- But Harry Xavier Devon is no mere fool.
With two millennium prizes on his back and renowned around the world as the next Newton within mathematics, Harry easily sees through his brother's ploy to have a woman seduce him and get her pregnant when he himself can't have children. His brother in desperate need of an heir for his business empire, but Harry has no intentions of playing the scapegoat.
Flipping the play against his brother, he pays Cassandra double the money to continue lying to his brother that they *are* having sex. He thinks he's gotten his revenge when it suddenly appears he's gotten more than he bargained for.
Cassandra is no shy woman, or as previously thought, just a money-grabbing whore.
Stuck in the same house together for a whole summer could prove to teach the mathematician that some things can *never* be calculated...
- Especially when dealing with a (horny) woman.