As heavy eyelids fluttered closed, Peter drifted off into an odd state in which his mind was both idle and resting yet also alert and aware of its surroundings.
Tonight's dream was a "seemingly real" hallucination.. As vivid as they came.
〰 This feeling... it was traumatizing.
Heartbreak was a physical pain that's just as real as an emotional ache.. It felt as if he were an addict and suddenly, out of the blue, his supply was stripped away from existence.
The immediate feeling was a deep sense of numbness in the pit of Peter's stomach while at the same time a despair for which he had no explanation overwhelmed him.
It was as if his heart sunk, rotted, and spilled out into the floor through his rib cage; a bloody mess.
Bright eyes frantically searching;
'Where are you?
Where did you go?
Don't leave me here all alone!'
And he was running; running as fast as he possibly could; soles of bare feet bruising, numbing, from the pain.. But he couldn't stop.
'I need to find