Motivation to make this story would be @blumoon909 go follow her. She has great stories to read and it creates ideas!!
Have you ever changed schools? Have you ever been somewhere you don't know? Have you ever met someone out of the ordinary? All this, all of this can change in a blink of a second. No matter how much you cry, fight it, or just sit there there is no turing back. Not yesterday not today not tomorrow. Someday in life you'll meet someone new. Someday you'll change buses. Someday you might move across the ocean. Who knows. No one will never know unless people are stupid enough to build a time machine. How about cutting? Ever thought of doing that because you don't see the point in life anymore? What about trying to kill your self or being successful with it. Just because when u dye you think won't miss you. Some cases it might be true but ever one at least has one person. Have you ever been judged because of your skin color, your "accent", the food you eat, your culture, or even just. Because your short or "too" tall. Many people have been judged just because they don't speak much. They don't to talk so they get judged. You've got to find real friends and keep them till the end of time. If you don't make new friends. It's all up to you to test how far you really want to go.
"Sevilmek isterken iliklerine kadar sevgisizliği hisseden herkese..."
"Senin şımarıklıklarını çekecek bir adam değilim."
Sözleri üzerine gözlerim gözlerinde asılı kaldı. Kelimeler zihnimde bir oraya bir buraya kaçışırken hepsini bir araya toplamak oldukça zor olmuştu. Sakin ol Efsan... Kalbimdeki anlamsız ağrıyı görmezlikten geldim. Çenemi havaya dikip ters ters ona baktım. Giydiğim siyah topuklular sayesinde aramızdaki boy farkı bir kafa mesafesi kadarken gerginlikten kuruyan dudaklarımı ıslatıp onunkiler kadar acımasız olan sözlerimi sarf ettim.
"Bende sana şımarıklık yapacak bir kadın değilim."
Yayın tarihi: 12.05.2024