This story is about Danielle Xy Johnsons. She's a billionaire's daughter but she didn't want to be noticed. She wanted to be like the normal average girls enjoying their lives. And when she talks about normal average girls, she's preferring to the weird and nerdy ones. She's studying at Stanford University in Boston where most of the handsome and beautiful faces are at. Until one day, she decided to transform. She decided to become visible. She decided to catch the eye of the crowd. And she succeeded. Four men chased after her. Four famous heartthrobs of the Stanford University. But the transformation made her life more complicated. Many women hated her. Some of the boys at Stan U disrespected her. Teachers hated her also for the way she dressed and whatnots. But what has been the reason behind that transformation? What changed the weirdo yet beautiful Danielle Xy Johnson? And what does it feel to be chased by four handsome faces of the Stanford University?All Rights Reserved