Buna ,ma numesc Malena dar prietenii imi spun Mali, am 17 ani, sunt zodia rac, am parul saten deschis desi cei care vor sa ma enerveze imi spun ca sunt blonda ,ochii albastrii ,dar am si preocupari de adolescenta rebela , iesiri cu prieteni ,machiajuri si cluburi dar mai rar , poate va intrebati cum o duc cu dragostea , daca am un iubit ca orice adolescenta obisnuita .Ei bine acum cateva zile m'am despartit de X - ul meu,pe care il chema Andrei , poate va intrebati de ce ne'am despartit. Ei bine eu stiam ca ma iubeste dar sa fiu sincera eu nu simteam nimic pentru el . Este foarte greu sa ajungi la inima mea daca nu sti cum sa ma abordezi ,ei bine el nu a stiut cum sa ma abordeze , adica pe mine nu ma cuceresti cu un sarut , pentru mine un sarut este ca orice alta atingere si este foarte greu sa ma faci sa simt ceva in momentul sarutului dar daca ma iei in brate cand mi'e frig si ma pupi pe frunte, daca ma mangai pe fata , daca te joci cu parul meu , sau sa ma ti in brate de parca nu ai vrea sa'mi dai drumul o sa ma faci sa ma indragostesc incetul cu incetul .
Am si o prietena cea mai buna o cheama Cosmina [ Cosmi] o sa va zic mai multe despre ea .
Sa va arat o zi normala din viata mea apoi va povestesc si despre ea .
Yaduvanshi series #1
An Arranged Marriage Story.
POWER!!!!! That's what he always wanted. He is king of a small kingdom of Madhya Pradesh but his power is not limited to Madhya Pradesh only. He is one of the richest men in India who holds the power of money in the market and of leaders in parliament. He is one of those chosen people who are running the country behind the curtain. Politician bows their head in front of him, businessman is ready to put everything at stake just to put their name with his company and a messiah to his kingdom's people. His soft side is for no one at least he does pretend that.
A small brown-eyed, honey-voiced girl entered his life. And from the very first moment he saw her, he started feeling a weird fluttering in his heart. She was chosen by his grandfather for him but he knew it was God's plan.
She is a puzzle,
He wants to solve her.
She is scared,
He wants to protect her.
She fears love,
He wants to spoil her.
She is broken,
He is her healer.
Let's join Aashrit Singh Yaduvanshi and Meera Singh Yaduvanshi in the journey of love after marriage.