Before I begin my story, let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Katrina Burke, I'm 17 years old. I have brown hair and hazel eyes, and I moved to Los Angeles with my family about a year ago. I had never lived in the same place for long, I had been to eleven schools and lived in twenty-eight houses. This was to be my twenty-ninth house and twelfth school, and my last according to my dad. But that’s what he had always said. See, my mom died when I was four so my dad had to retire from the marines so he could raise my older brother Braden, older sister Zoe and I. A while after my mom passed away, he started to lose it, he could never find the "right" house, so he moved us despite our many protests. He said he had a good feeling about this move, and boy was he right. Living by the Lynch’s was the best decision he has ever made… but wait, I’m getting a little ahead of myself. Here’s the story of what my life was like after meeting the Lynch family. More specifically… Ross.
8 parts