Why does it have to hurt so bad? To finally feel something real!
Razor blades aren't just for shaving, dear.
Though I fear when I make sly glares, and stare at them blank less, never knowing what to say, hoping they won't say something first.
I'll be here. Waiting for the day when the world is a better place, Maybe for the day, where sending letters is the new thing, and we better ourselves, by...
Learning how to talk to people with emotion or empathy.
I mean we're talking hand writing skills, grammar, ect. These all vital things of our language. So for this we all deserve our dosage of respect. It's all Just pure thought.
Maybe that ought to he our dreams for the further. Not flying cars, and holograph wrist watches.
when will there be a day when I can taste sweet smells of things other then raw hate. For the day that we stop sawing at each other.
For the day that people's feet don't just stomp at your self-esteem, and dreams.
Maybe somehow, we'll have smarter generations to come.