It was a word that we have grown accustomed to, a word we tell the people who are important to us. Family, friends, and significant others, love made the world go around. We always hear about the 'greatest love' the one who made the butterflies in your stomach go insane, the one that brightens up your day with just a single smile, the one that your future was set around. Lauren Costa already had her 'greatest love', they had an amazing relationship, but it eventually ran it's course. For her, the 'greatest love' was not being with this person for as long as you live, this person will always be special to her and their memories will always be remembered fondly.
But Blake Griffin enters her life like a force of nature. A friendly relationship that is slowly turning her life upside down.
What is it like to fall in love with a basketball player? A female basketball player?! What is it like to fall in love with your best friend? To find someone who loves you unconditionally? Your true love? We all get knocked down, just be sure the right person picks you up.