So guys. I have been thinking about this since yesterday. You all know me. mrsgeorgecubbins only ever writes about Lockwood & Co, right? Wrong! I am really into Oliver Twist, and yesterday I was at my friend's house, and, childish as it sounds, we were playing a game. She likes Oliver! too, so it was obviously about that. I decided that if we were to do this properly, I would have to come up with my favourite character's back story. Who's my fave? Well, this is one of his awesome lines:
"Wod'ya mean ain't got no manners?! We're all regula' gen'lemen 'round 'ear, we're all QUALI'Y.
My, what a lot of apostrophes! Obviously, my favourite is Jack Dawkins, better known among his more intimate friends, as the Artful Dodger. I came up with story whilst pacing around my friend's bedroom yesterday. And now, I'm writing it down.
Maria Malford is a highschool student, photographer slash otaku. Her life was pretty much normal alongside a fellow otaku friend, Charlotte Smith.
Both shared the same likes on many things especially Cosplaying and their love for photography. They also enjoyed each other's company when either watching anime or reading mangas.
Because of this both of them created a bond called friendship that made them inseparable as they walked the path of life.
But on a certain circumstances as they went on for a normal walk to a store to buy some things for the an upcoming cosplay event, the duo encountered an unexpected event that led to Maria's death after saving her friend's life who almost got collided by a truck.
Will Maria overcome the challenges in her new life as she looked up in the sky, knowing that she have died leaving her best friend in grief?
Join Maria in her new life as a riess in a new world with a new name, a new identity, a new family but with a ground breaking luck as she came to learn the grieving news of her existence in an anime she watched with her best friend, Attack On Titan.
Hi so yeah, don't mind me editing this book.