The Weekend is a group of kids who find out they can travel through fictional Worlds and the Walls that separate them- Except they find out that they might not have to, because the Walls between the Worlds are breaking, and Earth, the Main, is close to erupting into chaos.
There's Saturday, the leader, the friendly one, the one who tries to see good in everything despite the fact that she's been quite literally through hell.
There's Penny, the sassy, sarcastic, bad-ass best friend who turns out is a lot more important that she originally seems.
There's Monty, the cool, calm, collected one that would kick your butt as soon as she would date you.
And then there's Breeze, the clever, humorous prankster that is somehow still alive, despite the fact that she literally goes looking for trouble.
Together, these four girls must battle monsters, demons, and other creatures previously thought as fantasy and save the Worlds as we know it, or risk disrupting the Main's peace forever.
You guys might recognize the recurring theme of Breeze Foster, though she changes a bit story to story. Breeze is basically me. Every character except the original four, and maybe a couple others that I'll mention when I get there, doesn't belong to me.
As seen, I might include some language, though it shouldn't be any worse that a PG-13 movie, and I'll warn you at the beginning of each chapter for everything.