so today was the day when noah stevens day got turned upside down. his mom just got remarried to a good man. there were moving from his childhood home and he was getting a new step-brother he has never seen before in his life. so when he saw him all his worries were washed away. but then he came back to reality and his life was just as twisted when the day his dad left and was never to be seen again. jack has always been the only child for as long as he can remember. so it was a surprise when he found out that he was going to have a new brother at first he was shocked but then it went away when he saw the most handsome boy in his entire life. so that moment is when he forgot about all how he was hurt by all the people he loved and how broken he was inside and just looked into the boy's eyes and just forgot about everything, then he remembered that it was not a dream and that he ad to live his life and still be broken and he thought he would always be this way. so that was brief little beginning of the story i don't know if i should do more of just delete it or not tell me by commenting and/or getting up to 5 starsAll Rights Reserved