A girl - Infinity - with cancer is living an ordinary life. As ordinary a life can be for a cancer patient. Her father has left her, not able to stand his child fading away in front of him. And Infinity can't stand to see her mother away from him, and not long after her mother has left as well, to Infinity's heartbreak but knowing it's for the best. Her tumour is inevitably killing her, but she has time. And she plans on spending those last times bring ordinary, routine and doing the same thing every day. The same cafe. The same coffee. The same unfinished book.
Until she meets Charlie, an impulsive decision maker who throws his life away. It annoys her how he thinks his life is the worst in the world, where in her eyes, she doesn't even have one. Slowly Charlie wins her over and he is determined to make her less routine, teach her how to live her life. They love eachother undoubtedly, until the day Charlie tells Infinity he has an incredible opportunity... In another country, the day the storm came through the town. The worst storm of the century gives the setting to Infinity and Charlie's fight, their heartbreak and a wet, dangerous road. Will their love survive the day the storm came through?