⭐️Just a story with anime characters as the zodiac signs. This story is about how the zodiac signs live as friends.⭐️ Libra: OMG WE ARE ON SCREEN (PANICS,FAINTS) Capricorn: Oh god! Gemini: So how exactly do we start this? Aries: We start with me! Welcome to my world people, were I am the king! Leo: Oh please. Sagittarius: Guys can you please stop playing around. Capricorn: Just as Sagi says! Virgo: I am the only one that can call him Sagi! Capricorn: Cancer: Guys people are actually seeing this Aquarius: I don't think they are listening Cancer: I can't deal with this, Scorpio your turn. Scorpio: ........ Signs: .......... Scorpio: .......... Aquarius: Oh just pass it to someone else! Scorpio: Passes Pisces: My turn! Yay! Hmmmmmmm, what to say, what to say...... Signs: Just say something! Pisces: I love all kinds of animals! (Passes to Taurus) Taurus: I love all kinds of FOOD! Cancer: Well, we all hope you enjoy this........ Capricorn: Omg! Libi is missing!!! Aries: Maybe she went to space, she always wanted to see Aliens! Cancer: Insane story.All Rights Reserved