Faith Hannolin is an ordianary 17 year old girl who is extremely talented at gymnastics. Her parents great expectation for Faith is to be successful is her gymnastic career and they'd constantly reminded her not to let anything come between it, her parents died when she was 11 in a traggic car accident and faith can not stop blaming her self as she asked them to drive her to her competition..if she didnt beg them to take her they would still be by her side today. Only her bestfriend Miley Hall and her two close friends Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers know about her parents death, she likes to keep it to her self as she constantly blames it on her and it kills her inside.
She now lives with her mothers sister Claire who pushes her to the limit in her gymnastics even if it causes Faith several accidents as her auntie Clair has not gotten over her sisters death and also blames it on Faith and says if she didnt beg her parents to go to her "stupid" Competition she wouldn't be stuck with such a "brat" as a niece to look after.
but does Faith want to carry on her gymnastic carrea? has she had enough of the training? the ingury's? not spending time with friends? not being able to study for her last exams?
but she cant tell her auntie who is forcing her to do it to make up for her parents death.. she cant let her parents great expectation for her to be ruined..
But will this all change? will she find her voice when bad boy justin bieber moves to her school and has an interest in her?