Plot by: Baby_Gerken247 Zayn and Liam are two normal teenage boys at least to the school world but what are they like outside of school. Zayn is a rich kid in a good home; Liam is a poor kid in a bad home. What happens when they finally notice each other because of a dare, a dare to just to get to know each other and hang out every day? What happens when they do get to know each and start to like each other, what happens if they both got drunk one night at a party and sleep together and stop talk afterwards? All that changed Liam life more then you and I know more than Zayn knows, Liam’s new Change to his life that has a lot to do with Zayn Liam keeps it a secret at least he try’s. What happens when Zayn finds out about Liam’s secret, does he freak or does he man up.
42 parts