"G, look at me. Please."He said softly. I lifted my head to see him standing right in front of me, looking right into my eyes. I cross my arms over my stomach to calm the nots starting. His eyes swimming with tears. I couldn't even stop myself from crying. He places his hand on my cheek and drags his thumbs under my eyes, leaving his hands there. My breath hitched.
It must have been only a few seconds but it felt like years, just staring into each other's eyes.
"G I know you feel something. Please, just admit it."He's voice yet again soft. I just shake my head yes, I finally admit it. I look at the ground seeing out feet against the carpet. I look back up to him, his hands are still on my face and I melt into his touch. His face was unreadable. His eyes flash to my lips then back to my eyes, mine do the same.
He slowly leans in and I copy his actions, slowly. I feel his staggered breath on my lips. Our lips touch and my stomach explodes. His lips are soft and thick. I grab a fist full of his shirt at his hips and he grabs the back of my head. I can't even fathom how good this feels.
{This is inspired so...yeah........please don't judge, it you like 5sos then you may like this book, and if you don't like 5sos then you may not like it, okay?}
on the surface, sabrina carpenter is everything she's supposed to be: polished, perfect, straight. but when a single look from billie eilish makes something shift, the cracks in her carefully crafted image start to show. billie, who has always known exactly who she is, recognizes that look instantly. she knows what it means. and she's curious. the air between them is warm at first - just a flicker, a glance, a harmless pull. but heat rises. and once it starts, it's impossible to ignore.