"As the door of the quaint coffee shop opens, a gust of warm air rushes out, giving a moment's relief from the the frigid winter air encircling my body. Like a moth drawn to a flame, my longing gaze is drawn to the shop window. The foreign feeling of warmth, happiness, and joy is ignited in my stomach at the sight of the bright lights, and joyful, satisfied faces encompassing even more radiant smiles.
How easily identifiable, overused and under appreciated, such words are.
Bitter memories, blur my vision as the happy moment displayed in front of me is washed away by the realization of my own reality. And suddenly, the wind became harsher, the sky darker and the glass barrier between me and the happy, smiling faces, several inches thicker.
I slowly begin my depart from the suddenly unsettling scene, but before I can turn my back, my eyes meet with curious, intelligent ones, momentarily paralyzing me where I stood. Dissecting and analyzing, almost looking directly through to the very core of my existence, I was stunned. But the man's intense stare only made me even more aware of who I was , in my worn, over-sized coat, as I gathered the courage to turn my back and make my descent through the desolate streets, that I call my home."
Tytuł mówi sam za siebie
pojawiają się elementy stosunków między trzema osobami lub więcej, gxb, gxg, bxb, alkohol, substancje psychoaktywne i niewłaściwe zachowania bohaterów
jako autorka nie popieram zachowania bohaterów
w niektórych one shortach mogą pojawić się imiona postaci z mojej książki "Darkness Brought Us Together", mogą być troche spoilery
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