STOP I KNOW THIS LOOKS BAD! Okay, so you probably typed in The Walking Dead or NCIS or something like that, and have no idea why a Doctor Who fanfic would pop up right? Well, its because this is not just a doctor who fanfic, it is a fanfiction challenge! Seriously, if you look at the first part, it explains everything! And, after a few weks, there should be all kinds of fanfiction story links to what ever fandom you were looking for!
"All right, if you don't want to visit other planets yet, lets play a game."
Amy and Rory are taking a big step by taking in a foster child, and the young couple don't want to think about doing it without the help of their best friend the Doctor.
Sirri Collins just wants to find a pair of foster parents who will keep him long enough for him to finish school, and the Williams' don't seem that bad, although their friend is a bit eccentric, and his box is kind of strange.
Katashi Harper has everything to proove to the world, as an emancipated 17 year old girl, struggling to finish school and land a higher position at work, sometimes it feels like the world is against her. The product of a one night stand between a phscho coke addict and her anime junkie of a mother, she secretly fears that somehow, no matter how hard she tries, she will never be able to amount to more than either of them. She also has a secret, that she is terrified could get her locked up.