After the spell to remove the Mark of Cain releases The Darkness onto the Earth, Sam and Dean scramble to find a way to fix what they undid. Through Cas's help - a talk with God, a few trips to heaven, and his incessant need to save the people he loves - a potential solution is found. Along the way, Dean and Cas finally find each other and Cas realizes what it truly means to be human and to have a home. Huge thanks to wingofcastiel for creating the beautiful art for my fic which you can check out --> This fic was created with love for the eleventh season of Supernatural and seven years of Dean and Cas. Latin Translations for Chapter 4/5 in order of appearance: "My God I call upon you in my time of need, come to my aid and grant to me your unworthy servant the grace to see your holy face and live." "O God, I beseech your help in my time of need." "My God, why have you forsaken me?" "My God, I have returned." "Let the grace of God live on through me, the holy servant of the Lord." "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."All Rights Reserved