Sometimes to love is to let go.
He was standing by the window, looking outside. Following his gaze, I saw him looking adorably at his soon to be wife Bella who was dressed in her white wedding gown looking like an angel.
" She is beautiful, isn't she?", I gently asked, my voice almost inaudible.
" Yeah she is.", his back still towards me.
"You love her, don't you?", I asked this question, the answer to which I knew already.
" Yes",he answered as he slowly turned towards me.
Just one word and my world shattered.
It was just a year ago I was the one Christian Walters loved. And now he was declaring his love for Bella Scarlett.
Who was I, Athena Walters, now?
Oh right his WIFE.
Who was soon going to have the privilege of seeing her current husband marrying someone else and being a bridesmaid.
I should have fought for us, I was and am his wife.
But somehow, in this one year, in this love triangle, I became the Other Woman .
And since I loved him, I let him go.