The world is divided. There's no kings or rulers and every town or village has to fend for themselves. Every stranger is an enemy and all other civilisations are to be avoided The Zades are rulers, not of countries or land but of armies, huge armies with thousands of soldiers. They would be rulers of great nations if they didn't have such a desire for power and the people didn't hate them. Willahn is a young boy from Talonal (tell-on-'l') which is a small town in between the Dreaded Eastern mountains and the Quilian (Quil-ee-in) ocean. When Willahn (Will-arn) was eight he, and his sister leisha (lee-Sha) were orphaned in one of the daydra attacks. The daydra are huge four legged beasts that live in the mountains and attack every no moon, full moon and lunar eclipse.All Rights Reserved