Norman rushed past me and came back and pressed a cool wash rag to my neck and chest, "Still having these?" He wondered, avoiding eye contact with me.
"Yes." I choked, wiping away the tears. "Do you-"
"Don't ask that. With as much as you ignore me you oughta know that answer Atticus." He declared, pressing the wash cloth to the back of my neck.
Out of instinct I tilted my head back and sighed. "That is relaxing." I moaned, relaxing slowly.
"Atticus?" He began.
I pressed my finger to his lips, "Just enjoy the moment Norman. It won't last forever. I'm leaving back out in a couple weeks. Don't make this more than it is."
"What is this?" He replied, Dabbing the skin lightly.
"A moment, between former lovers, between friends." I informed, pulling away from him.
Hope you enjoy it!