Twenty eight years ago the world became so polluted that people began to drop dead in their sleep, there just wasn't enough clean air. Small countries died until only England was left, nobody has any idea why England lasted till the end, it just did. So in the end England decided to take charge, they searched for people who were different.They found them starving amongst the dead. They nicknamed us "rare's" people who breathe less oxygen than the average human being, allowing us to breathe 12% oxygen instead of the average 20%. They rounded us up and started testing us. They finally found that we were born with adaptation cells, which were soon to be nicknamed "a-cells", little cells that reduced our breathing by absorbing into our lungs. The cells would give us one easy day of breathing, they would soon stop working but no fear our body produced more, when this was found the English government started selling us. Our sleep was worth thousands of dollars, but it took its toll on us. They could remove 365 cells and give someone a years worth of sleep.....but it tired us out and we repeatedly fell into a coma for double the amount of days they took from us, sometimes the toll was to much and the rare's a-cells would fail causing a fatal heart attack. Lizibet Sanders is a rare, and when she wakes up after four years of being in a coma she sees nothing has changed. Can she help change the world?