Určite ste už počuli príbehy o statočnom Achillesovi, hrdinovi z Tróje. O Leonidasovi, spartskom kráľovi, ktorý chrabro spolu s 300 Sparťanmi padol pri Termopylách. O Miltiadesovi a jeho víťazstve pri Maratóne. O Veľkom Alexandrovi, dobyvateľovi Východu. Ja Vám však chcem prerozprávať príbeh o možno trošku menej známom gréckom vlkovi.
Je ním pontský kráľ Mithridates VI Veľký, Eupator Dionýzus, Kráľ Kráľov, Nepriateľ Ríma a potomok perzských kráľov a Alexandrových generálov.
Bez ohľadu na to, že je jedným z mojich obľúbených historických hrdinov staroveku si myslím, že má dosť veľké meno v svetovej histórii. Mrzí ma (nie len pri ňom ale aj pri iných osobnostiach histórie), že v učebniciach dejepisu je o ňom možno len menšia zmienka alebo o ňom nie je napísané vôbec.
Bol to bez pochýb jeden významný muž, ktorého vôľa bola (podobná tej Spartakovej), aby sa všetci oslobodili spod krídiel rímskej orlice. Samozrejme, bol to len človek a nebol dokonalý, nerobil vždy správne rozhodnutia a taktiež nemal najlepší život. Bol ako vlk, spätý s odvahou a víťazstvom ale aj s krutosťou a zatratením...
Just when she's decided to leave the Town, Lady Cressida Belverst is forced to marry Lord Calan Haverston, the man who coincidentally knows a way out. Agreeing to marry for all the wrong reasons, can Cressida and Calan find out where their hearts truly belong?
It is impossible to leave the Town, but one woman is determined to escape with the help of her betrothed.
Lady Cressida Belverst has always been judged as a walking scandal. Oh, how she tries (on some rare occasions) to be proper! When her parents arrange for her to marry a rich lord, Cressida has had enough. She has to leave the Town because she will not be forced to live with a man she doesn't love. But what happens if the very man she's betrothed to is the only one who can help her get out?
Calan Haverston, the Lord of Easton, takes the risk and helps his betrothed by using his knowledge of the Town's secrets because he is as willing as she to stay free of marriage for reasons completely different. He has dark secrets he cannot share with her, and his life is not one he can likewise open to anyone. But what happens when she leaves after awakening desires he thought he has under control? And what happens when he finds himself longing for her?
Cressida goes to a completely different place, one she has only heard in stories and read in books, with hopes of finding what her heart has always longed for. But love, mystery and secrets will chase her and it will only be a matter of time before she realizes what her heart truly desires.
*This story is a standalone title in the Haverston Family series.