This girl name Myeisha she was in love with this boy name Murtha. He just won't to fuck but she did not let him. Her sister Christina told her, "he just won't to fuck." So he came over to her house and told her that we are going to smoke. So the smoke and smoke he got myeisha so high that the almost had sex but she was the smart one.
So he said, "that if you to not lets fuck I am raping your ass." So she said, " not git out of my house." So he push her down and said "ok I am going to leve but i got to git something first. She said "wut is it." He said "this pussy" she said "no no no stop stop I am call the police on." He keep doing it win myeisha sister came to her house. Her sister said, "Bitch look at me so he look and she had a gun all you hear wus boom, boom,boom,boom she shout at him.