Wow,everyone is so judgmental ,they don't know anything about me. So just cos i'm the quietest person in class and the one who actually likes to learn why judge me. My name is Adla ,so you begin to think I haven't heard that before...,well i'm Russian and live in America. I Started off life like it is now... quiet ,so happy don't talk to me cos this is what makes me feel good,I've always been like it when I was a baby it was different, noisy wouldn't sleep liked to be awake ,maybe nocturnal but focus was my strength. The thing I hate is people talk to much ,like a greedy kid trying to take every single sweet or chips out of the vending machine and even when theres no cash left ,he won't stop! It's what school is like when I first came it was just like that ,but now it frustrates me inside but I can hold it. Home is nice ,only there is always a lot going on parents working all the time and my siblings need help with stuff quite a bit, if its only me home. I love to paint tho or listen to music.