I was just play in' mine craft one day( 1.9 snapshot) when my computer shut down. "STUPID JAVA 32 BIT POSSESSOR I FREAKING HATE YO PLASTIC GUTS! AND FOR YOU STUPID WINDOWS HOME VISTA I WANT WINDOWS 10 NOW!" I screamed as I threw my 2 liter of doctor pepper at the screen. "Calm down and I won't whoop ya" my grandma said. I looked down at my hands... MY HANDS HAVE 9 INCH CLAWS! MY BODY IS ENDER DRAGON ! Me,being me, realize not to panic, so I did the best prank in the world. In 4 seconds I was full ender dragon, not blocky, but awesome. Never prank your siblings like this,it won't work for you. I just walked in the family room. My dog/ pony fainted like a screaming goat. The rest looked at me in awe. I looked at my brother. He was paralized in fear. I gave him "the finger" and my mom closed her mouth. "Hey honey I love you dearly, but WHAT HAPPENED!" "I duno but idk either" I said in a deep voice,gravel-dragon moan voice. To 3rd person, a deadly dragon just hugged and kissed "mommy".