Shizuka Hayashi is a first year student at Ichikawa Gauken Academy and a member of the newspaper club. When her club wants to do an article with some of the most popular kids in school, shy and quiet Shizuka is the one they turn to. Little does she know what horrible place they will wind up in,post interview. In Corpse Party: Another Horror, the characters will be thrown into a world full of death and torment in levels they could never imagine. ((Author's note: Hi! I'm AppleJuice-Chan and this is my very first Corpse Party fanfiction! I've watched all of the Corpse Party games including Sachiko Hysteric Birthday and Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient, so, I pretty familiar with the stories, dead ends, and extra chapter. The story takes place in the same time period as the first game. Also, I'd like to warn you about all of the gore that comes along with Corpse Party, so, if you're a bit squeamish, I wouldn't recommend watching, playing, or reading Corpse Party. Please write your opinions and comments in the comments. Constructed criticism is very welcome.))All Rights Reserved
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